Anyway, there are lots of really neat writing exercises in here, created by lots of REAL writers. The first one we tried was "Write your own comic". This was mom's project with the boy, so it took us a while, we worked on it about once a week for a while.
We really worked on the elements of the story (Introduction, The Plot Thickens, Climax, Denoument, Closing). He also developed each of his characters, including back-story, and sidekicks, etc (also including drawing samples to ensure ease of repetition). He developed his draft, figured out how it would all fit on the available space, created a cover, and re-traced the entire thing with black pen. If you'd like your own personal copy of this rare first edition comic book, send us an email. No self-addressed envelope required.
Oh, and he actually enthusiastically worked on this project! The final day (we were on deadline) he worked almost 3 hours straight. Unheard of.