Tuesday, January 22, 2008

How MLKs Dream Lives on in Me

We watched the Oprah show from yesterday. She profiled several stories in sort of a pseudo-documentary format, interspersed with children reciting MLK's Dream speech. I think it kind of blew their minds, how different things were just 40 years ago. (segregation, blacks effecively couldn't vote in some areas, interracial marriage illegal in 19 states, race riots, violence). Oprah said that this generation is the "most colorblind" in our history. Interesting.

This was C's response:

How Martin Luther King's dream lives on in me is that I say "so what" about race.

In Johnnie Mae Chappell's case, when she was murdered very few people cared, her case was not officially researched, she wasn't taken to a proper hospital, given a proper funeral or even given a proper article in a newspaper.

Lots of people worked hard to change this and today my generation doesn't care about race.