Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Back to School

Wow, its been over a month since last post. Dad got a job, he starts tomorrow.

The Boy started back at "regular school" on Monday. Here's what he said about it: "I got there, there was no sign of Dylan anywhere, this year so far, the people I have hung out with are Cameron, Peter, Donovan, Jack and Ronnie, and his friend, who I have not really met before, and I do not know his name".

"New classrooms, new books, new teacher, new desks, new building. (But its the same school, they just rebuilt). I sit right next to my friend Cyrus, and right in front of him is my friend CJ. I think I did really well at social studies, because me and Dad had already done a lot of Middle East studies, and our discussion in Social Studies was about the ancient Israelites."

The Girl bought a "American Girl Julie" game for her nintendo DS. Right now her Dad is doing an algebra problem to help her complete an assignment in the game. Hmmm.

The kids and I head to Pennsylvania at the end of the week for a family funeral. Its been a while since we've visited that side of the family, so we are looking forward to it. We plan to post about it.